Welcome to the Dark Moon
Mystery Ceremony!

Welcome to the Dark Moon Mystery Ceremony! I am so excited that you are joining this powerful group of divine feminine priestesses who are reclaiming their magic!

Please check your inbox for the welcome email with the call information from janet@janetraftis.com

Can’t find it? Wait a few minutes. Check your junk folder and “Promotions” folders if you have a Gmail address. 
In case you’re registering just prior to the live event, the call-in details are also included below.

*This call will be recorded if you are unable to make it live.

Add “janet@janetraftis.com” to your address book to ensure you receive the emails.

Janet Raftis is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting

Topic: Hekate and Your Magic as a Seer:
A FREE Dark Moon Mystery Ceremony
Time: Sep 13, 2023 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Meeting ID: 811 1456 6435
Passcode: HEKATE

One tap mobile
+13052241968,,81114566435#,,,,*393359# US
+13092053325,,81114566435#,,,,*393359# US

Find your local number here