Janet Raftis

Activating & Amplifying the Essence of Pleasure with the Goddess

When you activate your experience of Pleasure, you open yourself to a greater, more sensual and satisfying way of living. Pleasure opens your senses, attracts abundance and makes you magnetic for juicy experiences.

In this healing and activation bundle, you will work with the Pleasure goddesses to heal wounds that hold you back from experiencing greater vitality, lusciousness and receptivity while creating a life that brings you more moment-to-moment  joy.



Pleasure is a birthright.
Long before Pleasure became a naughty word, the goddesses were known to embody it as a spiritual essence.
You were born into that potential-for-delight-filled body of yours to feel good.
Your goddess-given body is filled with erogenous zones and with the capacity to access sensations that cause your entire being to shake and shudder in delight.

And once upon a time, that capacity was celebrated.

In goddess-centric societies that pre-date the rise of the patriarchy, the feminine deities were known to be pleasure-seeking and pleasure-satisfying feminine archetypes. Throughout the world, they were honored and celebrated for their sensual and sexual natures. Pleasure was indeed a virtue, and it was one that brought you closer to Goddess and that opened you up to the abundance of all that Source can share with you.

But when the patriarchy rose to power, one of the ways in which they stifled the feminine nature that is creative, expansive, abundant and sourced from the goddess was through the “downfall of Eve.”

Women became subservient to men and sex was to be used only for procreation and in service of the seed. The womb became dark, the clitoris became dirty and women were punished for enjoying themselves.

It wasn’t only sexual pleasure that was suppressed. Along with that, all forms of pleasure became off-limits. Women were to serve men, be selfless, defer to their husbands and other men in positions of power.

Eventually, the oppression became so bad that even being noticed as a woman became dangerous.

And so women went within, they hid. They locked themselves down. They resigned themselves to the suffering that they were meant to endure as the descendents of Eve.

Pleasure became stigmatized – a mark of shame – a scarlet letter emblazoned across the chest. Even now, amidst a massive revolution of the divine feminine rising, many women are still experiencing the shame associated with female pleasure.

Not only does this affect their capacity to receive that which feels good to them, but it also impacts their ability to enjoy a life of abundance.

Pleasure opens you. It softens you. It elicits a big, “fuck yes!” from you. And from that place, you become a magnet to all that you desire.

When women open to Pleasure, their life becomes fuller, richer, more magical, meaningful and prosperous.

If you have trouble receiving, opening, or saying “yes” to what you desire, the “Activating and Amplifying Pleasure with the Goddess” healing bundle will support you in healing residual/ancestral shame around feeling and receiving Pleasure so that you may enjoy a more vibrant, titillating and abundant life.

On this healing journey, you will work with Inanna, Venus, Hedone, and Hathor to clear away limiting beliefs and shadow that hold you back from experiencing the joy of Pleasure in your life, while activating Pleasure centers and your capacity to receive more of it through the embodiment of its essence. As you hold more of the frequency of Pleasure and allow more of it to flow through you, you will also begin to experience more of its sister frequency, Abundance.







The deep healing experience contains:

  • A guided healing meditation with Venus to set your intentions for this healing journey
  • Three powerful healing activations with Inanna, Hedone and Hathor that will support you in experiencing more Pleasure, joy and abundance
  • A ritual that connects you more deeply with the goddess archetype that embodies Pleasure
  • Information on crystals and anointing oils that support the activation of Pleasure
  • A loving invocation to open your heart to the goddess
  • An Amplify Your Pleasure Card Spread to receive guidance from the goddess and your higher self to support you on this journey


Additional information

Package includes:

Activating and Amplifying the Essence of Pleasure with the Goddess includes:

❧ One guided audio healing meditation with Pleasure Goddess Venus

❧ Three audio healings with Pleasure Goddesses Hedone, Inanna, and Hathor
(meditations and healings are approx 20-30 minutes each)

❧ A beautifully designed 18-page PDF that will guide you through:
‣ Detailed descriptions & how to use the included audio healing meditations
‣ Ritual and ceremony practices
‣ How to use crystals and anointing oil
‣ Journaling prompts
‣ A powerful invocation
‣ And more!

❧ A detailed guide to creating & working with altars to support your work with the Goddesses